
1. NAME. The Association shall be known as Listria Park and Martaban Road Community Association.

2. OBJECTS. The objects of the Association shall be:

to promote residents’ rights and amenities

to represent the interests of residents in consultation with the local authority, the police and other bodies

to promote the harmonious functioning of a multi-racial community

3. AFFILIATION. The Association shall have the power to affiliate with any body whose objects are felt to be of benefit to its members.

4. MEMBERSHIP shall be open to all residents of Listria Park and Martaban Road, irrespective of age, nationality, sexual orientation, race, colour, political or religious belief. There shall be no other condition for membership, and all such residents shall automatically be considered members.

5. SUBSCRIPTIONS or contributions may be made to the Association on a voluntary basis as determined by the Annual General Meeting.

Any subscriptions or other monies raised by or on behalf of the Association shall only be used to further the objects of the Association.

6. CONDUCT OF BUSINESS. The business of the Association shall be conducted by a Committee elected at each Annual General Meeting. The Committee shall consist of a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and not less than 4 other members.

The election or removal of Committee Members may only be carried out by a General Meeting of the Association. In the event of vacancies or special needs the Committee may fill them by making appointments from among the Association’s members. Such appointments must be submitted to the next General Meeting for confirmation.

7. COMMITTEE MEETINGS. The Committee shall meet as necessary and not less than three times in each year. Committee meetings shall be open to any Association member wishing to attend, who may speak but not vote.

8. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (AGM). The Committee shall call the Annual General Meeting of the Association each year in the month of October. Not less than 14 days’ notice of the AGM shall be given to all members.

At the Annual General Meeting:

the Committee shall present an annual report of the association

any sub-committees shall present an annual report of their activities

the Committee shall present the accounts of the Association for the previous year

the Committee for the next year shall be elected

any proposals submitted to the Secretary in writing not less than 7 days in advance of the meeting shall be discussed.

9. SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING. The Secretary shall call a Special General Meeting at the request of a majority of the Committee, or upon receipt of a written petition by not less than 15 members of the Association giving reasons for the request.

The Secretary shall give not less than 7 days’ notice of the holding of a Special General Meeting, which shall take place within 21 days of the receipt of the request or petition.

10. QUORUM. The Quorum for Committee Meetings shall be one third of its elected membership or 4 members, whichever is the greater. The quorum for all General Meetings shall be 15 members.

11. SUB-COMMITTEES. The Committee may establish such sub-committees as may be required to carry out the activities and objectives of the Association. Such sub-committees shall be directly accountable to the Committee. The Chairperson and Treasurer shall be ex-officio members of any sub-committees.

Where any sub-committee is to continue in existence beyond the Annual General Meeting following its establishment its members shall be subject to election at the AGM and annually thereafter.

12. DUTIES OF OFFICERS. The Chairperson (or in the Chairperson’s absence the Vice-Chairperson) shall conduct the meetings of the Association.

The Secretary shall convene all meetings and give the required notice to members. The Secretary shall maintain proper records of the meetings of the Association, its Committee and Sub-Committees in the form of minutes which should be approved by the Committee or General Meeting.

The Treasurer shall open and maintain a banking account in the name of the Association. All cheques must be signed by the Treasurer and one of two or three Committee Members so nominated as signatories.

The Treasurer shall maintain proper accounts and report on them or deliver them up as required by the Committee or General Meeting. Such accounts shall be checked annually by an independent, qualified accountant and presented to the Annual General Meeting.

Any officer or member of the Association delegated to represent the Association in consultation with any other body shall act on the instructions of the Association and shall report back to the next Committee or General Meeting, whichever is sooner.

13. ALTERATIONS TO THE CONSTITUTION. Any proposal to amend the Constitution of the association must be submitted in writing ot the Secretary not less than 7 days proper to the Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting. Any amendments shall require the approval of two-thirds of those present and voting at the AGM or AGM.

14. DISSOLUTION. If the Committee no longer exists and 15 members of the Association shall propose that the Association should be dissolved, they shall give at least 14 days’ notice to all those eligible to membership of a meeting at which the matter shall be discussed.

For the sole purpose of dissolution a quorum need not apply, and the Association may be dissolved by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting.

The assets, financial and otherwise, remaining after the Association has satisfied its liabilities, shall be used for such purposes of benefit to the community as the meeting shall decide.